Publication Type : Conference Paper
Thematic Areas : Learning-Technologies
Publisher : ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Association for Computing Machinery,
Source : ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Association for Computing Machinery, Volume 10-13-August-2015, Kochi, India , p.186-190 (2015)
Url :
ISBN : 9781450333610
Keywords : Biology, Concept maps, online labs, Photosynthesis
Campus : Amritapuri, Coimbatore
School : Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Business, School of Engineering
Center : AmritaCREATE
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2015
Abstract : Experimental learning combined with theoretical learning enhances the conceptual understanding of a subject. Therefore, the Online Labs (OLabs) that hosts science experiments was developed. OLabs uses interactive simulations with theory, procedure, animations, videos, assessments and reference material. Our study blended OLabs with concept maps to examine if it enhances students' learning in Biology. Concept mapping is a framework that provides a deeper knowledge of a subject by understanding the relationships among concepts. The study was quasi-experimental; pre-test, post-test and a satisfaction survey was used as measurement instruments. The study sample was 54 students from a school in Haripad, Kerala, India. The students were randomly grouped into a control and an experimental group. The experimental group that used concept maps as a learning aid scored slightly higher, suggesting blending concept maps can lead to a deeper understanding of the subject. Gender difference did not significantly affect the scores. © 2015 ACM.
Cite this Research Publication : Prof. Prema Nedungadi, Haridas, M., and Raghu Raman, “Blending concept maps with online labs (OLabs): Case study with biological science”, in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Kochi, India , 2015, vol. 10-13-August-2015, pp. 186-190