Publication Type : Journal Article
Thematic Areas : Medical Sciences
Publisher : The American Journal of Emergency Medicine
Source : The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2013.
Url :
Keywords : adrenalin, anaphylaxis, Anti-Inflammatory Agents, article, case report, chemically induced disorder, diclofenac, Epinephrine, heart infarction, human, Humans, Injections, Intramuscular, intramuscular drug administration, male, middle aged, Myocardial Infarction, Non-Steroidal, nonsteroid antiinflammatory agent, vasoconstrictor agent, Vasoconstrictor Agents
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : Cardiology
Year : 2013
Abstract : A 62-year-old male smoker with no other comorbidities presented to emergency department with systemic anaphylaxis, due to oral diclofenac for toothache. He developed acute anterior wall myocardial infarction following IM epinephrine 1 mg 1:1000. Primary percutaneous coronary intervention was done, which showed a thrombus in the mid left anterior descending artery with no evidence of obstructive coronary artery disease after thrombus aspiration.
Cite this Research Publication : Tummala K, Maniyal VK, Chandrashekaran R, Mathew N, Ganeshwala G., "Cardiac anaphylaxis: a case of acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction after IM epinephrine for anaphylactic shock," The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2013 Jul;31(7):1157.e1-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2013.03.025.