Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference On Smart Technology for Smart Nation, SmartTechCon 2017
Source : Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference On Smart Technology for Smart Nation, SmartTechCon 2017, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., p.834-839 (2018)
ISBN : 9781538605684
Keywords : Delay tolerant networks, Delaytolerant networks (DTNs), Energy utilization, Epidemic routing, Heterogeneous networks, Incentive compatible, Internet protocols, Network routing, Power management (telecommunication), Routing protocols, Selfish node, Store carry forwards, Wireless networks
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2018
Abstract : Many routing protocols try to identify the complete route from source to destination first and then transfer the data. Sometimes, identifying the instantaneous end-To-end paths may be difficult. In such cases, the routing protocols must take a store-carry-forward approach. Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) are such networks which uses the store-carry-forward approach in order to address the issue of lack of continuous network connectivity which is the most common problem in heterogeneous networks. Routing is the major issue for DTNs describing their overall performance. Many flooding and forwarding based routing protocols came into existence and showed their performance by considering different aspects like buffer size of the node, bandwidth, delivery probability, number of hops and energy consumption. In our work, the performance of Incentive Compatible Routing Protocol for two-hop delay tolerant networks is evaluated and compared with the performance of Epidemic Routing Protocol by considering the parameters like: Energy Balancing Factor, Routing overhead, Residual energy, Network Life time ratio, Number of alive and dead nodes and End-To-end delay. © 2017 IEEE.
Cite this Research Publication : C. Srividya and Rakesh, N., “Comparative study and performance analysis of incentive compatible routing protocol for two-hop delay tolerant networks”, in Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference On Smart Technology for Smart Nation, SmartTechCon 2017, 2018, pp. 834-839.