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Comparative Study of Cu-6Sn Processed by Casting and Powder Metallurgy with Microwave and Conventional Assisted Sintering

Publication Type : Book Chapter

Publisher : Trans Tech Publications

Source : Key Engineering Materials

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Year : 2022

Abstract : Copper is a widely used material in various industries due to its properties like good corrosion resistance, thermal and electrical conductivity, stability at high temperatures, etc. To increase the mechanical and tribological properties, additional reinforcement should be added to the copper matrix. Adding tin into copper will result in the formation of bronze which is stronger and harder than either of the pure metals. This study deals with the comparative study of mechanical and tribological properties of microwave sintered and conventionally sintered Cu-6Sn. The mechanical properties of Cu-6Sn processed through powder metallurgy are compared with that of Cu-6Sn processed through casting. Hardness and wear resistance was observed to be higher for conventionally sintered specimens. Microwave sintered Cu-6Sn exhibit enhanced mechanical properties compared to Cu-6Sn processed through casting.

Cite this Research Publication : R. Rajesh, Shankar Balakrishnan, N. Karthik, P.R. Eshwara Mmoorthy, Comparative Study of Cu-6Sn Processed by Casting and Powder Metallurgy with Microwave and Conventional Assisted Sintering, Key Engineering Materials, 2022

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