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Comparative Study of Shock Formation in Bell and Conical Nozzle

Publication Type : Book Chapter

Publisher : Springer

Source : In Emerging Trends in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICETMIE

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Year : 2023

Abstract : The aerospace industry is dependent on rocket technologies that allow for reduced prices, more simplicity, and lighter weight while maintaining high performance. A nozzle is a particularly designed duct that accelerates hot gases. The nozzle of a rocket is generally designed with a fixed convergent part followed by a specified divergent section. A convergent–divergent nozzle, typically termed as a de Laval nozzle, does have this configuration. The method of characteristics (MoC) and RAO’s geometry is used to design the de Laval nozzles and, in the current work, the CFD analysis of supersonic flow through two types of nozzles, namely conical and contour (bell) nozzles are done, and the flow characteristics through the nozzle are analyzed for the inviscid, compressible flow conditions. It was found that the bell nozzle provides better shock-free expansion for the given same operating conditions than its counterpart.

Cite this Research Publication : Siddhartha, D. V. S., Das Sadiq, K., & Sarath, R. S. (2023). Comparative Study of Shock Formation in Bell and Conical Nozzle. In Emerging Trends in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICETMIE 2022 (pp. 173-181). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.

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