Publication Type : Book Chapter
Publisher : Polyurethane Polymers: Composites and Nanocomposites
Source : Polyurethane Polymers: Composites and Nanocomposites, Elsevier Inc., p.365–399 (2017)
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Chemical, Civil
Year : 2017
Abstract : Conducting polyurethane-based nanocomposites have been identified as one of the promising class of materials which find considerable attractive applications in various fields, such as construction, packaging, automotive, aerospace, military, medical, and electrical and electronics. In this chapter various aspects of conducting polyurethane nanocomposites are addressed, starting with their fabrication and ending with their applications. This chapter discusses various conducting polyurethane nanocomposites reinforced with various conducting fillers, such as carbon black, carbon nanotube, and graphene and also discusses a large variety of applications of composites which include shape memory, actuator sensors, and electromagnetic interference shielding fields.
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Jayanarayanan K., Mishra, R. K., .Abraham, J., Joseph, K., and Thomas, S., “Conducting Polyurethane Composites”, in Polyurethane Polymers: Composites and Nanocomposites, Elsevier Inc., 2017, pp. 365–399.