Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Lecture Notes on Software Engineering
Source : Lecture Notes on Software Engineering. 1-6. 10.7763/LNSE.2013.V1.1.
School : School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science and Engineering
Year : 2013
Abstract : This paper addresses control plane functionalities in Cross layer designing and providing an approach for having effective MAC layer level congestion detection mechanism to overcome one of challenges mentioned in [1]. The proposed model aims to deliver an energy efficient mechanism to quantify the degree of congestion at victim node with maximal accuracy. This congestion detection mechanism is integrated with a Two-Step Cross Layer Congestion Control Routing Protocol. The proposed model involves controlling of congestion in two steps with effective energy efficient congestion detection and optimal utilization of resources. Packet loss in network routing is primarily due to link failure and congestion. Most of the existing congestion control solutions do not possess the ability to distinguish between packet loss due to link failure and packet loss due to congestion. As a result these solutions aim towards action against packet drop due to link failure which is an unnecessary effort and may result in loss of resources. The other limit in most of the existing solutions is the utilization of energy and resources to detect congestion state, degree of congestion and alert the source node about congestion in routing path. A cross layered model of congestion detection and control mechanism is proposed that includes energy efficient congestion detection, Intra level Congestion Evaluation Algorithm [ICEA] and Intra level Egress Regularization Algorithm [IERA], which is a hierarchical cross layer based congestion detection and control model, in short referred as CDC-CPF (Congestion Detection and Control with Control Plane Functionality). This paper is supported by the experimental and simulation results showing better resource utilization, energy efficiency in congestion detection and congestion control is possible by the proposed model. Index Terms—Ad-hoc networks, control plane functionality, cross-layer design, optimization, random access, wireless networks.
Cite this Research Publication : Sangapu, Sreenivasa Chakravarthi & Madhavi, Dr. (2013). Congestion Detection and Control with Control Plane Functionality (CDC-CPF) in Cross Layer Designing of Multihop Networks. Lecture Notes on Software Engineering. 1-6. 10.7763/LNSE.2013.V1.1.