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Cryptography With Permadd and Distance Difference Algorithms

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Journal of Critical Reviews 7(15):3527-3530, DOI:10.31838/jcr.07.15.477

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Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2020

Abstract : Cryptography is a method used to protect confidential data when it is sent over a network. In this work, a symmetric key encryption method, PERMADD, is suggested in which there are n levels of permutation and addition on the input data. Random numbers are generated which are used as key for permutation and addition. The input data is permuted in which each number in the input data is shifted to a random position that is given by the random number generator. Likewise, values are added to the permuted values in the position generated by the random number generator. Distance difference algorithm is a symmetric key algorithm used to encrypt the key, which are the random numbers generated and sent to the decryption module.

Cite this Research Publication : Sankaran, Sathya & Rajkumar, Rajasekaran. (2020). Cryptography with Permadd and Distance Difference Algorithms, Journal of Critical Reviews 7(15):3527-3530, DOI:10.31838/jcr.07.15.477

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