Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : TENCON 2009 - 2009 IEEE Region 10 Conference
Source : TENCON 2009 - 2009 IEEE Region 10 Conference, IEEE, Singapore, Singapore (2009)
Url :
ISBN : 9781424445462
Keywords : Benchmark testing, Damping, discrete linear quadratic Gaussian compensator, discrete linear-time invariant model, eigen value analysis, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, Frequency synchronization, Kalman filter, Kalman filters, linear quadratic Gaussian control, Phase locked loops, power capacitors, Regulators, sample invariant discrete model, sampling methods, SSR damping, State estimation, state feedback, state feedback regulator, synchronised phase-locked loop, thyristor-controlled series capacitor, Thyristors
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electrical and Electronics
Year : 2009
Abstract : The paper presents the design of a discrete linear quadratic gaussian (DLQG) compensator for SSR damping which includes a full order Kalman filter to estimate all the states of the system and a full state feedback regulator. The controller is tested on IEEE First Benchmark model for SSR studies. A discrete linear-time invariant (LTI) model of a thyristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC) in the synchronously rotating DQ reference frame is used in this system in which, the sample invariance is achieved by a simple transformation of the zero sequence variables in the discrete domain. This model of discrete TCSC is then integrated with discretised LTI model of the rest of the system under study. Thyristor firing is based on current synchronised phase-locked loop and the sampling frequency is six times the synchronous frequency. The eigen value analysis is done for this integrated system for different angles of conduction of the thyristor. The modeled system is having 27 state variables including the PLL states. The TCSC model and DLQG compensator design is validated using time domain simulation of the system.
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Sindhu Thampatty K.C., Cheriyan, E. P., and Nandakumar, M. P., “Design of a discrete Linear Quadratic Gaussian (DLQG) compensator for SSR damping using a sample invariant discrete model of TCSC”, in TENCON 2009 - 2009 IEEE Region 10 Conference, Singapore, Singapore, 2009.