Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 35, 100561., 2023
Campus : Amritapuri
Verified : No
Year : 2020
Abstract : Game Design and Virtual Reality (VR) researchers theorize that VR technologies have great potential to scaffold children’s empathy development. To explore the effectiveness of VR in promoting empathy for children ages 6–9, we developed a framework for a VR Empathy Game based on the results of a participatory design study including 11 children and the Early Childhood Development literature. To evaluate this framework, we developed a game based on it and conducted a qualitative study with 14 children. We explored how children understand the meaning of the game and their approach to playing the game. Using descriptive thematic analysis, we found: (1) VR identity of a player can be used as an indicator of engagement in the game, and (2) a connection between motivation, engagement in the game story, and the game performance. This paper contributes a novel VR Empathy Game framework and insight into its effectiveness in creating empathic experiences for children.
Cite this Research Publication : Muravevskaia, E., & Gardner-McCune, C. Designing a Virtual Reality Empathy Game framework to create empathic experiences for children. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 35, 100561., 2023