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Developing Information Extraction System for Disaster Impact Factor Retrieval from Web News Data

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : SpringerLink

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

Center : Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications (AmritaWNA)

Year : 2023

Abstract : Natural and man-made disasters have had a long-term impact on our country, resulting in significant loss of life and economic benefits. India’s disaster vulnerability has changed over time, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach to disaster management. When assessing a disaster, it is important to look past the intensity scales and go deeper into the impact factors, which can help in post-disaster activities. Gathering data on hazards has become difficult due to the proliferation of knowledge available on the Internet. Using conventional natural language processing methodologies, the proposed work aims to derive data related to hazard impact factors from online news sources. Approximately, 80% of the impact factor information was retrieved effortlessly from about 200 news articles. The derived data can be used to create a severity scale that incorporates impact factors as well as intensity scales, allowing for better hazard analysis.

Cite this Research Publication : Gopal L.S, Prabha R, Ramesh M.V., ”Developing Information Extraction System for Disaster Impact Factor Retrieval from Web News Data,” vol. 401, pp. 357.0-365.0, 2023 .

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