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Dynamic load Balancing for Cloud Partition in Public Cloud Model using VISTA Scheduler Algorithm

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

Source : (2016) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 87 (2), pp. 285-290

Url :

Keywords : Assignment problem, Cloud partition, load balancing, Public cloud, Vista scheduling algorithm

Campus : Mysuru

School : School of Arts and Sciences

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2016

Abstract : pLarger the information technology grows, larger will be the data generated, balancing the huge data is always a big question for the information management industry. Cloud computing uses virtual data storage and infrastructure which manages stores and processes huge volume of data. As the cloud offers major services to the clients, it is very important to balance the incoming requests. The aim of the system is to propose an efficient scheduling algorithm and to achieve optimal load balancing. The algorithm address the challenges faced with cloud load management by selecting best cloud partition for workload management, incorporating a novel selection and scheduling algorithm with an assignment problem principle approach for scheduling known as VISTA scheduling algorithm and achieving optimized solution with minimum utilization of processing metrics. © 2005 - 2016 JATIT amp; LLS. All rights reserved./p

Cite this Research Publication : Manishankar, S., Sandhya, R., Bhagyashree, S. Dynamic load balancing for cloud partition in public cloud model using VISTA scheduler algorithm, (2016) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 87 (2), pp. 285-290, 2016

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