Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : International conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering/AIP, American Institute of Physics Inc.
Source : International conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering/AIP, American Institute of Physics Inc., Volume 2080, St Joseph College of Engineering/Mangalore. (2018)
Url :
ISBN : 9780735418103
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Department : Mechanical
Year : 2019
Abstract : Biodiesel is an alternative fuel similar to fossil diesel. It is a clean, renewable and domestically produced fuel. Presently, lot of research is carried out to make biodiesel more efficient so that it can be substituted for conventional diesel. Biodiesel meets most of the chemical /physical standard of diesel & being plant based, it does not emit much Sulphur /CO on burning & are non-toxic, non-polluting, bio-degradable & environment friendly. However, NOx emission is increased when biodiesel is used instead of diesel. In order to solve this problem, exhaust gas recirculation is used. Anything, which improves the performance of engines with biofuels, is a boon to the present world. This research is focused on studying the pollution characteristics of Pongamia Pinnata plain B20 biodiesel and shock treated pongamia oil. It has been observed that there is decrease in CO, CO 2 and NO x when shock treated blend is used. The maximum % decrease in CO is 27.8, CO 2 is 9.28 and NOx is 26. © 2019 Author(s).
Cite this Research Publication : K. V. Bhat, Prasath, S. G., Vishal, T. V., Teja, V. S., and Koundinya, S., “Effect of Shock Waves on Bio-diesel”, in International conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering/AIP, St Joseph College of Engineering/Mangalore., 2018, vol. 2080.