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Effect of wall flexibility on the fluid-solid interfacial slip in nanochannels

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results,Dec 2022

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2022

Abstract : The speed of fluid transport in nanoscale channels was found to be influenced by the slippage in fluid -solid interface. Manipulating slip length to control nanochannel fluid flow is seen as a viable choice. Using molecular dynamics (MD), the study of the nanochannel is done. The effects like the surface roughness, and channel width are all considered to study the slip length and its influence at fluid – solid interface. In this research, the variation brought about in the interaction potential is used for the slip length manipulation and also and the wall is made elastic by altering the spring constant. The variation in slip length in each scenario is achieved. The slip length increases when the interaction potential is less and vice versa. Similarly, when the wall becomes elastic, the slip length reduces. This manipulation of slip can used in nanofiltration as electro – osmosis velocity will be enhanced with improvement in slip.

Cite this Research Publication : Ebin P. S, Effect of wall flexibility on the fluid-solid interfacial slip in nanochannels, Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results,Dec 2022

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