- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Fellowship In Interventional Pulmonology and Pulmonary Critical care - Fellowship
Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : IEEE
Source : 2022 URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science (USRI-RCRS), Indore, India, 2022, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.23919/URSI-RCRS56822.2022.10118449.
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2022
Abstract : Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposure from different wireless communication systems can be considered as one of the major sources of radiation pollution. It is one of the pollution based on the exposure of non-ionizing radiation that is being emitted from the communication devices which are used in our daily lives. The exposure from these gadgets varies depending on the operational scenario. It can be categorized based on the combination of electric field, magnetic field and the power intensity that is emitted from these devices. In this research mobile phones are considered as the sources of the EMR which is operated at the 4G LTE frequency band with relatively good specification of operation. This mobile phone is tested in different operational scenarios and analyzes the E field, H field and power intensity using an electrosmog meter (PC-EM-29). For the analysis, 21 operational scenarios are considered and the variation in the field characteristics based on the mode of the operation are identified for each case. The field characteristics are drastically changing when the outgoing and the incoming calls are proceeding with mobile data and WiFi data are on the active position. The variation occurring in the E field characteristics is directly related to the H field and the power intensity. The amount of the field that exists in the nearby region of the mobile phone is clear evidence of the influence of the EMR on the human body when it is used for more than a specific span of time. So the continuous exposure of these leads to health hazards on the human body even in the small amount of absorption happening on it. From this analysis, the amount of field that is being emitted from the mobile phone can be clearly identified. Also there is a specific absorption rate (SAR) on the human body based on the distance from the source, body characteristics, field emitted from the source and the time of exposure.
Cite this Research Publication : M. L, A. S, S. K. Menon and K. U. Menon, "Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure from Mobile Phone Under Different Operational Scenarios," 2022 URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science (USRI-RCRS), Indore, India, 2022, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.23919/URSI-RCRS56822.2022.10118449.