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Estimation of Micronutrients in Vitex negundo L. (Karunochi) Leaves.

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Informatics Publishing Limited

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Year : 2016

Abstract : The genus Vitex includes many species from tropical and also from temperate areas. Among these species, Vitex negundo possess analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, antihistamine and anti-asthmatic properties. In the present study, analysis of crude fiber and estimation of certain minerals like calcium, iron, vitamin C and phosphorous were carried out on tender, mature and dry leaves of Vitex negundo (Karunochi). The results of the nutrient estimation indicates that dry leaves of Vitex negundo is an excellent source of calcium (15.214g), phosphorous (1.870 g), iron (16.48 mg), vitamin C (21.4 mg) and fiber (14.6 gm) when compared to tender and mature leaves.

Cite this Research Publication : N. Tharani Devi, P. R. Janci Rani, H. Theivaprakasham, Subramanian Arumugam and R. M. Vignesh Nachiappan. Estimation of Micronutrients in Vitex negundo L. (Karunochi) Leaves. Food Sci: Indian Journal of Research in Food Science and Nutrition, Vol 3(1), 13-17, January-June-2016.

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