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Exotic clustering in heavy and super-heavy nuclei within the relativistic and non-relativistic mean field formalisms

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : J. Phys.

Source : J. Phys. G 34, 2073 (2007)

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Physical Sciences

Year : 2007

Abstract : The clustering phenomenon in heavy and superheavy nuclei is studied within the relativistic mean field (RMF) approach using axially deformed basis and the non-relativistic Skyrme–Hartree–Fock (SHF) formalism. The calculated ground and intrinsic excited state properties, and the total matter densities as well as the neutron–proton asymmetry distributions are analysed to look for the cluster configurations and/or exotic clusters in the known cluster emitting 222Ra, 232U, 236Pu and 242Cm nuclei, and the superheavy nuclei with Z = 114, N = 172–184. Both the theories predict N ≈ Z, α-like matter or clustering in the ground states, and both N ≈ Z matter and N ≠ Z clustering in the excited intrinsic states of radioactive actinides, though this result is more apparent and universal for the RMF approach. For superheavy nuclei, the detailed analysis shows a non-clustering, 'bubble'-like structure for Z = 114, N = 184 nucleus in the RMF method and Z = 114, N = 176 or 180 nucleus in the SHF method, as the signatures of doubly closed shell nuclei. Our earlier similar calculations for Z = 120 nuclei predicted the same for Z = 120, N = 172 nucleus in the RMF model. Also, in contrast to radioactive actinides, in superheavy nuclei the two fragments, N ≠ Z cluster configurations at the centre of ground superdeformed states in the RMF approach, and the same for at least some of the excited superdeformed states in the SHF method, are some of the interesting results obtained. Thus, new possibilities of exotic clusters at the centre of superheavy nuclei are indicated as ground or excited intrinsic superdeformed state configurations, more so as ground superdeformed states in the RMF theory. The N/Z ratios of the clusters are also calculated on the basis of the (average value of) colour code of the contours, which give a reasonable correspondence with the experimental data on cluster decay of radioactive nuclei.

Cite this Research Publication : "Exotic clustering in heavy and super-heavy nuclei within the relativistic and non-relativistic mean field formalisms" S. K. Patra, Raj K. Gupta, B. K. Sharma, P. D. Stevenson, and W. Greiner, J. Phys. G 34, 2073 (2007)

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