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Exploratory data analysis and predictive analysis on grocery shopping

Publisher : Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems

Year : 2018

Abstract : pData analysis is a method in which the data is organised and collected in which one can derive the best information from the available resources. Data analytics practices executed in the business world (like basic understanding of business data analysis tools and techniques). A recent study has revealed that the storekeeper’s inaccurate decisions in the supermarket can make the sales go down and also it could lead to considerable food wastage. So, there is a need for improved decision making and maintenance in the supermarket. This project helps in predicting customer’s buying and selling of groceries using machine learning approach in Data analytics. We have used machine learning algorithms like Apriori and boot-strapping which gives better results in the form of graphs and charts. The outputs are presented using a package called Shiny that builds influencing web apps directly from R. This package creates a better UI which helps the shopkeeper to make accurate decisions and it is easily understandable. From the results, the shopkeeper finds a pattern of placing items in the supermarket which leads to increase of sales and profits. © 2018, Institute of Advanced Scientific Research, Inc. All rights reserved./p

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