Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Procedia Computer Science
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2015
Abstract : The idea is to upload files into cloud using gestures. A “Gesture” is form of a movement of part of the body, especially a hand or head, to express an action. The gesture used here is a tilt of the device in hand. The type of the file to be uploaded into cloud can be of either a picture or a video. This is accomplished using an application similar to gallery. To perform the task, the application is invoked to view a picture or video, when the device is tilted from its actual viewing position towards its left twice within a span of two seconds, the gesture is recognised and the currently viewed file is uploaded into the cloud. The cloud service used for uploading is Dropbox. The size of a video files is generally large and uploading it will take time, so the video size is reduced through a compression algorithm. There is a buffer which tracks the uploading part and will see to that, that the entire video is uploaded into the cloud. Thus, through this application the file can be uploaded into cloud through a gesture easily and effectively.