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Extending network lift time based on game theory by using wireless sensor networks

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Türkiye Fizyoterapistler Derneği

Source : Extending network lift time based on game theory by using wireless sensor networks, Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

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Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Year : 2021

Abstract : Energy efficiency is the goal in directive to conserve linkage co-ordination is totally in use for the shortest also the longest revolution. So a lot of research attentions based on network lifetime maximization techniques have attracted a Game Theory concept. This syndicate technique of games in the networks, to determine the organisation of the game theory, with fit-out and back felicitous, to boost its generalization capabilities. The complete method is explained through the taxonomy of network rate, types and time. The theory produced by this method is significantly a meticulous than standard game theory. Moreover, an extensive model modification study expressions to be much subordinate variance for game theory than for standard game as a direct cause of the improvidence. This paper describes Power Efficient Low Latency MAC protocol (PELLMAC) and S-MAC being regularly deployed nodes in sensor networks. As well this paper to review the performance of the PELLMAC protocol and the S-MAC module for regular deployment, in order to increase the sleep sensor ratio and in such a way to reduce overall energy consumption thereby increases the network lifetime.

Cite this Research Publication : S.M.Chithra, K.Anitha(2021),Extending network lift time based on game theory by using wireless sensor networks, Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Vol.32(2), pp:2312-2319, ISSN: 2651-446X

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