Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, ICCCI ,Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Source : 2016 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, ICCCI 2016, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (2016)
Url :
ISBN : 9781467366793
Keywords : Algorithms, Computation time, Electric lines, Fault classification, Fault distance, Fault identifications, Information science, Location, MATLAB, Matlab- software, Research fields, STFT
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electrical and Electronics
Year : 2016
Abstract : This paper primarily aims in analyzing the performance of STFT algorithm in locating faults and tries to analyse its accuracy for mainly three conventional faults namely LL, LG, LLG faults and study variation in error for different fault times and fault location distances using MATLAB software. Various algorithms have been devised for fault classification of transmission line in the research field. However, completely optimized and efficient solution for fault identification and location is yet to be materialized. The computation time taken to perform the STFT algorithm was also estimated. The novelty of the work lies in using STFT for fault location as STFT has already been used for fault classification in literature. The least error achieved was marginally low. The test was conducted for 300km transmission line at 120km of fault distance.
Cite this Research Publication : R. Subhashree, C. S. Preethi, and Supriya P., “Fault distance identification in transmission line using STFT algorithm”, in 2016 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, ICCCI 2016, 2016.