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Functionalized carbon nanotubes in donor/acceptor-type photovoltaic devices

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Applied Physics Letters

Source : Applied Physics Letters Volume 88 Issue 9, 2006

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Physical Sciences

Center : Center for Industrial Research and Innovation (ACIRI)

Year : 2006

Abstract : We have introduced functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes(CNTs) in donor/acceptor-type photovoltaic devices. We fabricated the devices based on heterostructure between polymer-CNT composite and buckminsterfullerene (C60)(C60) layers. Due to the functional groups of the CNTs, a homogeneous blend of CNT-polymer composite could be obtained. In the composite, the nanotubes acted as excitondissociation sites and also hopping centers for hole transport. The CNTs in the polymer-CNT∕C60polymer-CNT∕C60device provided higher excitondissociation volume and increased mobility for carrier transport. We have observed an increase in open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current in the polymer-CNT∕C60polymer-CNT∕C60devices as compared to the polymer∕C60polymer∕C60 ones.

Cite this Research Publication : Basudev Pradhan, Sudip K Batabyal, Amlan J Pal, "Functionalized carbon nanotubes in donor/acceptor-type photovoltaic devices", Applied Physics Letters Volume 88 Issue 9, 2006

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