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Fuzzy Logic Based Smart Home Energy Management System

Publisher : 2018 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, ICCCNT 2018

Year : 2018

Abstract : pEnergy conservation has become an important aspect in our daily life. Conserving energy is a task that every consumer must take it with sincerity. A Smart Home Energy Management System (SHEMS) that can be installed in a consumer void of technological upgradations is proposed in this paper. A prototype consisting of an integrated Battery Management and Load Management System is designed and developed. The Battery management system connects the battery either to the load or for charging, while the Load Management System decides whether the load should be connected to the grid or the battery based on different parameters like type of load, battery status and grid availability. The energy management system is implemented using Fuzzy logic and the hardware model is evaluated for different test conditions. The significant improvement in the energy consumed with and without SHEMS is presented. © 2018 IEEE./p

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