Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : Indian Journal Med Sci, 1991
Url :
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Year : 1991
Abstract : Humoral immune reactions as reflected in sera and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 50 patients with Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) were studied. CSFs and sera from 50 patients with nontuberculous neurological diseases were selected as controls. CSFs of patients with TBM showed high titres of circulating antimycobacterial antibodies than in nontuberculous subjects. The CSF-IgG index is significantly higher in patients with TBM. Humoral immune reaction could be applied in the laboratory diagnosis of TBM, particularly when repeated bacteriological methods are negative for M. tuberculosis in CSFs.
Cite this Research Publication : Annamma M, Radhakrishanan V.V. Humoral Immune reactions in tuberculous meningitis. Indian J Med Sci 1991;45:233-238.