Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
Source : Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, IOS Press, Volume 36, Number 3, p.2241-2246 (2019)
Url :
Keywords : Classification (of information), Classification accuracy, Diagnosis, Feature extraction, Feature selection algorithm, gene expression, Gene expression profiles, Genetic algorithms, Hybrid feature selections, Hybrid Method, Intelligent systems, Micro genetic algorithm, Microarray gene expression data, Microarrays, Soft computing, Support vector classifiers
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2019
Abstract : Research has proved that DNA Microarray data containing gene expression profiles are potentially excellent diagnostic tools in the medical industry. A persistent problem with regard to accessible microarray datasets is that the number of samples are much lesser than the number of features that are present. Thus, in order to extract accurate information from the dataset, one must use a robust technique. Feature selection (FS) has proved to be an effective way by which irrelevant and noisy data can be discarded. In FS, relevant features are picked, and result in commendable classification accuracy. This paper proposes a model that employs a compounded hybrid feature selection technique (Filter + Wrapper) to classify microarray cancer data. Initially, a filter method called Information Gain (IG) to eliminate redundant features that will not contribute significantly to the final classification is used. Following to that, an evolutionary computing technique (micro Genetic Algorithm (mGA)) to find the best minimal subset of required features is employed. Then the features are classified using a traditional Support Vector Classifier and also cross validated to obtain high classification accuracy, using a minimal number of features. The complexity of the model is reduced significantly by adding mGA, as opposed to already existing models that use various other feature selection algorithms. © 2019 - IOS Press and the authors.
Cite this Research Publication : C. Pragadeesh, Jeyaraj, R., Siranjeevi, K., Abishek, R., and Dr. Jeyakumar G., “Hybrid feature selection using micro genetic algorithm on microarray gene expression data”, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, vol. 36, pp. 2241-2246, 2019.