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Ileosigmoid Knot- The Disastrous Closed-Loop Obstruction

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : International Journal of Current Medical And Applied Sciences

Source : International Journal of Current Medical And Applied Sciences, August 2020; Volume 27, Issue 3: Page 35-37

Url :

Campus : Faridabad

Year : 2020

Abstract : The condition progresses rapidly to gangrenous bowel with generalized peritonitis and sepsis causing high mortality. It is difficult to establish a diagnosis of double closed loop obstruction in plain xradiograph. Ileosigmoid knot (ISK) is a rare but life-threatening cause of intestinal obstruction, which needs to be differentiated from a simple sigmoid volvulus, as endoscopic reduction is a contraindication in ISK. Preoperative CT scan can aid diagnosis and prompt treatment can deliver good outcome.

Cite this Research Publication : International Journal of Current Medical And Applied Sciences. Ileosigmoid Knot- The Disastrous Closed-Loop Obstruction. Dr Deepak G. Udapudi, Dr Shweta D Rao. August 2020; Volume 27, Issue 3: Page 35-37

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