Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2015
Abstract : The significance of latency and throughput with respect to clusters in wireless cellular networks has increased substantially. Also, an energy efficient environment in wireless cellular networks is required. This paper proposes an n-level multicasting clustered architecture using Pattern-Medium Access Control (PMAC) protocol. PMAC plays a significant role in communication of clusters under heavier traffic and light loads. The proposed algorithm performs efficient offline direct Consumer to Consumer (C2C) transactions where the dependency on online intermediary for selling/buying/marketing products are avoided by deriving the features of PMAC protocol. The influence of existing protocols such as Sensor-Medium Access Control (SMAC) results in degradation of network throughput under heavy traffic. This paper proposes a wireless application which uses network clusters that communicate using PMAC protocol for multicast communication pattern with the help of implicit forwarding. © Research India Publications.