Publication Type : Conference Proceedings
Publisher : International Conference on Soft Computing Systems ICSCS 2018: Soft Computing Systems. pp. 396-408.
Source : International Conference on Soft Computing Systems ICSCS 2018: Soft Computing Systems. pp. 396-408, 2018
Url :
ISBN : 9789811319358
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electrical and Electronics
Year : 2018
Abstract : A mobile robot shall efficiently plan a path from its starting point or current location to a desired target location. This is rather easy in a static environment. However, the operational environment of the robot is generally dynamic and as a result, it has many moving obstacles or a moving target. One or many, of these unpredictable moving obstacles may be encountered by the robot. The robot will have to decide how to proceed when there are obstructions in its path. How to make the mobile robot proceed in dynamic environment using SRRT technique in hardware is presented here. Using the proposed technique, the robot will modify its current plan when there is an obstruction due to an unknown obstacle and will move towards the target. The hardware model of four wheeled mobile robot and target are developed. The experimental platform is developed and control of the system is obtained using an Arduino UNO and Arduino Mega platforms.
Cite this Research Publication : K. R. Jayasree, A. Vivek, and Jayasree P. R., “Implementation of SRRT in Four Wheeled Mobile Robot”, International Conference on Soft Computing Systems ICSCS 2018: Soft Computing Systems. pp. 396-408, 2018