- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Fellowship In Interventional Pulmonology and Pulmonary Critical care - Fellowship
Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Wireless Personal Communications
Source : Wireless Personal Communications, Springer New York LLC, p.1-17 (2018)
Keywords : Boiler control, Boiler dynamics, Boilers, Controllers, Deregulated environments, Dynamics, Electric control equipment, Electric frequency control, Electric load flow, Electric load management, Electric power system control, Electric power system interconnection, Frequency information, Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy logic controllers, Generation rate constraints, Governors, Load-frequency control, Press load control, Tele monitoring system, Web context
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electrical and Electronics
Year : 2018
Abstract : Load frequency control in a deregulated environment for an interconnected thermal reheat power system network using conventional and fuzzy based control is analyzed in this paper. In order to emulate the system behavior, the dead zone non-linearity is taken into account for the formulated objective function with the inclusion of boiler dynamics and generation rate constraints. Regulation of power flow between different areas in an interconnected power system network with frequency being constant is the key concept in load frequency control. All of that type of utilizes integral control in order to restore the frequency and thereby the power flow before there is change in load. The performance analysis for PI controller based control and fuzzy tuned PI controller for a step load change using load frequency control of thermal reheat turbine are comparatively analyzed. Using the modelling tool MATLAB/SIMULINK performances of the controllers are simulated to study for its dynamic response including the governor non-linearity and boiler dynamics. With peak overshoot as the performance index the fuzzy controller showed an improvement of 18.75% over PI controller. The settling time of the fuzzy logic controller is found to be 75% better in comparison to the PI Controller. Power–frequency information data has been transmitted to server through internet with live updates and tele-monitoring system enables the various experts to ensure high security of system operation (Qiu et al. in IEEE-2001, 2001). The proposed controller exhibit better performance and satisfy the load frequency control requirements in a non-linearity environment and the same was monitored by web context. © 2018 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature
Cite this Research Publication : D. M. Brinda, Suresh, A., and Dr. Rashmi M. R., “Implementation of Web Context to Monitoring Load Frequency Control in a Deregulated Environment with Consideration of the Governor and Boiler Dynamics”, Wireless Personal Communications, pp. 1-17, 2018.