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Infestigation of Dilution Effect with N2/CO2 on Laminar Burning Velocity of Premixed Methane / Oxygen Mixtures using Freely Expanding Spherical Flames

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Journal of Fuel,

Source : Journal of Fuel, Volume 195, p.226-232 (2017)

Url :

Keywords : Laminar burning velocityStretchSpherical flameN2 and CO2 dilution

Campus : Kochi

Center : AMBE-Biomedical Engineering

Department : Microbiology

Year : 2017

Abstract : The main objective of this work was to measure the dilution effect of nitrogen and carbon dioxide on the unstretched laminar burning velocities and differential diffusional stability of premixed methane-oxygen mixtures at ambient conditions and different equivalence ratios. Freely expanding spherical flame method was used. The combustible mixture was prepared by following

Cite this Research Publication : R. .Khan, .Anbusaravana, S., Kalathi, L., Velamati, R., and .Prathap, C., “Infestigation of Dilution Effect with N2/CO2 on Laminar Burning Velocity of Premixed Methane / Oxygen Mixtures using Freely Expanding Spherical Flames”, Journal of Fuel, vol. 195, pp. 226-232, 2017.

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