Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Science
Source : International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Science , Volume 3(2) (2013)
Keywords : M. Fezil, Dr. M.P.Narmadha, and Benson, B., “Influence of occupational noise on Insulin, Blood glucose, Homocysteine, Blood pressure and Heart rate”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Science , vol. 3(2), 2013.
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Pharmacy
Center : Amrita Institute of Medical Science
Department : Pharmacy Practice
Verified : Yes
Year : 2016
Abstract : Background: It has been suggested that noise exposure increases the risk of hypertension. Occupational noise is the
dominant source of community noise exposure.
Objective: To study the influence of Occupational Noise on Insulin, Blood Glucose, Homocysteine, Blood Pressure
and Heart Rate
Methods: The study group included 100 workers employed in different firms exposed to occupational noise exceeding
80 dB and 50 workers exposed to occupational noise less than 80 dB. The noise levels were measured using standard
noise level meter. Selected subjects were screened for the above mentioned parameters.
Cite this Research Publication :
Dr. M.P.Narmadha, Fezil, M., and Benson, B., “Influence of occupational noise on Insulin, Blood glucose, Homocysteine, Blood pressure and Heart rate”, International journal of Pharmacy Research, 2016.