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Innovative Modeling and Rapid Prototyping of Turbocharger Impeller

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : IJERT

Source : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Volume 2, Issue 9, p.1426-1432 (2013)

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Keywords : Epoxy resin, Impeller, Rapid prototyping, Reverse engineering, SLA

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2013

Abstract : A Turbocharger is a forced induction device that is used to allow more power to be produced for an engine of a given size driven by the engine’s exhaust gases is used in petrol, diesel powered cars, trucks, marine applications, aircraft etc.In exhaust gas turbo charging, part of exhaust gas energy, which would normally be wasted is used to drive a turbine. The turbine shaft is connected to a compressor, which draws in combustion air, compresses it, and then supplies it to the engine. The increased air supply enables more fuel to be burnt, thus leading to lower fuel consumption and less emission; hence the engine develops higher power. Development of impeller for turbochargers through conventional manufacturing has got many challenges due to the blade geometry complexity and high competition in industries due to cost management. The normal manufacturing route involves casting and machining this would lead the cost. Time consumption and not efficient for small manufactures. The aim of the project is to make impeller for turbochargers with great design flexibility, less time consumption by integrating the reverse engineering (RE) and rapid prototyping (RP) techniques called Stereolithography apparatus (SLA). SLA technique would give the design flexibility with reduced cost and it can be used for visualization, mechanical testing etc.

Cite this Research Publication : Mallikarjuna B. and chandrashekar, U., “Innovative Modeling and Rapid Prototyping of Turbocharger Impeller”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), vol. 2, no. 9, pp. 1426-1432, 2013.

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