Publication Type : Book Chapter
Publisher : Holistic Approaches to Infectious Diseases
Source : Holistic Approaches to Infectious Diseases,Apple Academic Press
Url :
ISBN : 9781771883122
Campus : Chennai
School : School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2016
Abstract : The knowledge from past and present holds our future. Alternative medicine is age-old tradition and proven skill which is presently entering the mainstream holding promises for combating various dreadful diseases in which our modern medicines have failed. Though the traditional medicine has been developed by more of observation, practice and skill rather than scientific proven mechanism, still, the medicinal effectiveness is too broad and effective to be ignored. Recent advances in holistic medicinal research are towards uncovering the molecular mechanism of inhibition. Advances in biology, biotechnology has greatly improved our understanding of the human system and mode of drug-target interaction. To aid with these technologies, computational approach termed bioinformatics plays an important role. Genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, data mining, text mining, network construction, expression studies, etc. are some areas of bioinformatics which when interconnected interprets various important information on the medical aspect and opens up challenges and solutions towards personalized medicine and drug discovery.
Cite this Research Publication : Oviya, I. R. (2016). Integrating Bioinformatics in alternative Medicine Practice. In George, A., Joshy, K. S., Sebastian, M., Oluwafemi, O.S. and Thomas, S (eds.), Holistic Approaches to Infectious Diseases,Apple Academic Press (pp. 316). ISBN 9781771883122.