- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Fellowship in Infectious Diseases Adult & Pediatric ID - Fellowship
Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : ACWR 2011 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief
Source : ACWR 2011 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief, Amritapuri, p.535-536 (2011)
Keywords : Control systems, Customizable, gesture based, Gesture-based interaction, Intelligent home, Navigation systems, Non-intrusive, Number of peoples, Physical disability, Physically challenged, Recognition systems, Salient features, System use, Wheelchair control, Wheelchairs, Wireless telecommunication systems, Working models
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering
Center : Humanitarian Technology (HuT) Labs
Department : Electronics and Communication
Year : 2011
Abstract : There are a large number of people in the world with debilitatingphysical disabilities, who experience significant difficulties inperforming even very basic tasks such as locomotion, speaking,writing etc. The worst affected class of physically challenged arethose who have become paralyzed over a significant percentageof their bodies, i.e. quadriplegics. These people find it extremelydifficult to perform any task that requires even small amounts offorce. Therefore, the best option is a gesture-based interactionwith their environment, in particular their wheelchairs. Ourproposed system uses a small camera mounted very close to thequadriplegic’s hand, which tracks the small movements of theirfingers to understand where they wish to travel to. Therecognition system is then interfaced to the wheelchair controlsystem in order move it to the desired location. The wheelchaircontrol system we are developing has the following salientfeatures - effortless to use, customizable, economical, highlyconvenient and non-intrusive. The main goal that we aim bydoing this project is to bring out a real working model of thesystem. The physically challenged can themselves sit on thewheelchair and test the product. This will definitely make a hugeimpact on the society because of its salient features mentioned above.
Cite this Research Publication :
Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, Prakhya, S. M., Nair, R. N., and Mohan, M., “Intelligent home navigation system for the elderly and physically challenged”, in ACWR 2011 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief, Amritapuri, 2011, pp. 535-536.