Publication Type : Conference Proceedings
Source : AIP Conference Proceedings
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2018
Abstract : Zinc Oxide films were deposited on the glass substrate using vacuum arc sputtering technology. Films were prepared in oxygen ambience for 10mA and 15 mA deposition current separately. The UV-Visible spectroscopy of the samples showed that both samples possess sharp absorption near 3.5eV which is the characteristic band gap absorption energy of ZnO films. The absorption coefficient were calculated for the samples and the (αℎϑ)2 vs energy plot is drawn. The plot suggested that in addition to the sharp band edge absorption, the sample prepared at 10mA deposition current showed sharp absorption edge near 1.51eV and that at 15 mA showed absorption edge near 1.47eV. This refers to the presence of an intrinsic defect level which is likely to be deep in the band gap.
Cite this Research Publication : Rakhesh, V. ; Shankar, Balakrishnan, Intrinsic defect oriented visible region absorption in zinc oxide films, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1953, Issue 1, id.100080,2018.