Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : Next Generation Computing Technologies (NGCT), 2015 1st International Conference on
Source : Next Generation Computing Technologies (NGCT), 2015 1st International Conference on (2015)
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Keywords : adaboost, camera, Cameras, complete paralysis, Computers, Detectors, Electrooculography, eye gestures, eye movements, face, Gesture recognition, handicapped aids, Image edge detection, image processing algorithms, iris detection, Object Tracking, regular scheme, Viola Jones algorithm, yes-no scheme
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering
Center : Humanitarian Technology (HuT) Labs
Department : Electronics and Communication
Year : 2015
Abstract : The main aim of this research work is to develop means of communication for people with complete paralysis. This is done by making use of the eye movements of the patients as these patients cannot move any other body part. In this paper we discuss about two schemes a YES/NO scheme and a regular scheme. In YES or NO scheme the patient is provided with a list of amenities. One option is displayed at a time wherein the patient can choose either YES or NO through the eye movements. In the regular scheme the patient will be able to form sentences using the eye movements. The eye movements are captured using via camera and tracked using image processing algorithms. The particular eye movement captured is recognized as either YES or NO. On achieving this stage the communicating options are expanded by augmenting more options by implementing the second scheme. The schemes, the image processing algorithms, their implementation, tests and results are provided in detail in the paper.
Cite this Research Publication : Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, Karath, M., Valluri, V., Shreedhar, A., Katti, M., Gurjar, S., and Nair, A., “Language for People Suffering from Complete Paralysis Based on Eye Gestures”, in Next Generation Computing Technologies (NGCT), 2015 1st International Conference on, 2015.