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Lawsonia Inermis (Henna): A natural dye of various therapeutic uses – A review

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : InventiImpact : Cosmeceuticals

Source : InventiImpact : Cosmeceuticals 2010 (2010)

Url :

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Pharmacy

Year : 2010

Abstract : The Plant Lawsonia inermis (Lythraceae) commonly called as Henna or Mailanchi is known for its cosmetic properties. This hair care plant is reported to possess immunomodulatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal , nootropic, antifertility , hepatoprotective, tuberculostatic activity, antimitotic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic and antioxidant properties. Henna is an important source of phytochemicals of immense medicinal and pharmaceutical significance such as naphthoquinone derivatives, aliphatic components, triterpenes, sterols, phenolic derivatives, coumarins, xanthones, flavonoids, gallic acid, hennotannic acid and mannitol which are effective as immunomodulators and other allied agents. Hence, in view of the immense medicinal significance of the plant, this review is therefore an effort to compile all the information reported on its phytochemical and pharmacological activities, so that interest could be diverted towards this potential dye herb, for the treatment and relief from various ailments and diseases.

Cite this Research Publication : S. K. S, Varghese, K., Resmi, S., and Jolly, C. I., “Lawsonia Inermis (Henna): A natural dye of various therapeutic uses - A review”, InventiImpact : Cosmeceuticals 2010, 2010.

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