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Method for separation of customer and utility contributions of harmonics at point of common coupling

Publisher : Generation, Transmission Distribution, IET

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electrical and Electronics

Year : 2013

Abstract : A number of proposals have been made to account the different sources of harmonics in power system and relate it to a harmonics-based revenue structure. Any suggested method must be technically feasible, easy to implement and legally acceptable. This study presents a novel single-point measurement method to estimate the individual contributions from utility side and customer side to the harmonic current at the point of common coupling. The method involves acquisition of voltage and current waveforms at the measuring point and analysis based on the waveform data. Impedance data related to utility side or customer side are not required in the procedure. To validate the effectiveness of the method, results of simulation studies and experimental verification are presented. Adoption of the proposed method is expected to help the realisation of a harmonic-based revenue structure aimed at power quality improvement.

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