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Novel signal conditioning circuit for push-pull type capacitive transducers

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : 2007

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electronics and Communication

Year : 2007

Abstract : A novel signal conditioning circuit suitable for push-pull type capacitive transducers is proposed. The circuit developed is capable of providing a linear output over a wide range of values of the physical quantity being measured even when the transducer output has an inverse relationship with the measurand. The push-pull type capacitive transducer becomes an integral part of a relaxation oscillator, the duty cycle ratio of the output of which becomes proportional to the measurand. The various sources of error in the circuit are analyzed

Cite this Research Publication : V. J. Kumar and Dr. Madhu Mohan N., “Novel signal conditioning circuit for push-pull type capacitive transducers”, 2007.

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