Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : BMC Research Notes
Source : BMC Research Notes, 14:307 (2021), 1--8
Url :
Keywords : Initial value problems, Maple implementation, Symbolic algorithm, Partial differential equations
Campus : Amaravati
School : School of Physical Sciences
Department : Chemistry
Year : 2021
Abstract : Objectives In this paper, we present and employ symbolic Maple software algorithm for solving initial value problems (IVPs) of partial differential equations (PDEs). From the literature, the proposed algorithm exhibited a great significant in solving partial differential equation arises in applied sciences and engineering. Results The implementation include computing partial differential operator (PartialDiffOperator), Greens function (GreensFunction) and exact solution (ExactSolution) of the given IVP. We also present syntax, ApplyPartialDiffOp, to apply the partial differential operator to verify the solution of the given IVP obtained from ExactSolution. Sample computations are presented to illustrate the maple implementation.
Cite this Research Publication : S. Thota: On Solving Initial Value Problems for Partial Differential Equations in Maple, BMC Research Notes, 14:307 (2021), 1--8.