Publication Type : Conference Proceedings
Source : Global Conference on Recent Advances in Sustainable Materials, GC-RASM, 2021
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Arts and Sciences, School of Physical Sciences
Department : Physics
Year : 2021
Abstract : Polypyrrole/Fe2O3 (PPy/Fe2O3) nano-seeds with distinctive electrochemical properties have been successfully synthesized using improved hydrothermal processes. The study highlights the nano-seed like morphology of polypyrrole/Fe2O3 achieved by lowering both the reaction temperature and time (150 ℃ for 4 h), which are appreciable for energy storage applications. The obtained PPy/Fe2O3, analyzed using different techniques like X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Compositional and morphological studies confirmed the formation of interconnected PPy/Fe2O3 nano-seeds. Cyclic Voltammetry response displays superior electrochemical performance of the PPy/Fe2O3. The interconnected nanostructures with voids allow more electrolyte ions to contact the active material, which significantly increases conductivity and electrochemical performance. As compared to the reported hydrothermal methods, the optimized routes take 4 h to achieve a specific nano-seed like morphology which is favorable for energy storage application.
Cite this Research Publication : Babu N., Athira A.R., Xavier T.S.. One-pot hydrothermal synthesis of polypyrrole/Fe2O3 nano-seeds for energy storage application 2021, Materials Today: Proceedings, 49, 11851188, 10.1016/j.matpr.2021.06.252 Elsevier Ltd, 2021 Global Conference on Recent Advances in Sustainable Materials, GC-RASM 2021, 29 July 2021 through 30 July 2021 22147853