Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention
Source : Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, Volume 12, Number 2, p.204-213 (2012)
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Keywords : Composite materials, Composite plates, Cut-out, Failure index, Finite element method, Flight conditions, Functionally graded materials, Geometry, In-plane shear loadings, Laminated composite plates, Laminated composites, Loading, Major axis, Mechanical behavior, Optimization, Out-of plane, Shear flow
Campus : Coimbatore
School : Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering
Department : Aerospace
Year : 2012
Abstract : The wing in flight condition is subjected to heavy aerodynamic loads that in turn lead to a shear flow over the wing ribs that support it. Cut-outs change the mechanical behavior of plates, as they redistribute the stresses and are influenced by the shape of the cut-out. A three-dimensional displacement-based finite element analysis is performed to study the symmetric, laminated composite plate of 20 layers. The analysis is performed to obtain the in-plane and out of plane performances of the laminate. Five basic cut-out geometries, viz., circle, square, diamond, ellipse with major axis along the y-axis, and another ellipse with major axis along the x axis were used for the numerical analysis. A cut-out geometry is generated based on the results of analyses performed on five basic geometries to optimize the performance. The optimized cut-out is associated with the least Tsai-Hill and Hashin failure index as compared with the five basic geometries. © ASM International 2012.
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Sivakumar V., Arjun, R. K., Ishwarya, V., Nithya, S., Sunder, S., and Thilak, B. N., “Optimization of cut-out shape on composite plate under in-plane shear loading”, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, vol. 12, pp. 204-213, 2012.