Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology,
Source : International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology, Volume 8, Issue 4, p.22440-22452 (2016)
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Arts and Sciences
Center : Amrita Innovation & Research
Department : Mathematics
Verified : Yes
Year : 2016
Abstract : The present paper uses the parameterized wavelet basis construction in a very simple representation. The mathematical description in terms of this representation in a single parameter for wavelets of finite length filters helps in modelling out the features of any signal. The explicit formulae for parameterization can be found in [6] The main objective of the paper is to given a varied yet an elegant way to present the wavelet bases. This has been carried out for filter length 4, and hence is representable in a single parameter. Though there are other works on the trigonometric representation of filter coefficients [ 3,4,5,7 ], the formulae presented here forms a convenient way to generate a family of wavelets.
Cite this Research Publication : Manju B. R., “Parameterization of Wavelet Basis in l2(Zn) ”, International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 22440-22452 , 2016.