Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X), Volume 10, Issue 1 (2019)
Url :
Keywords : ldeologJ~ lvforal consciousness, llegemon_g lluman rights, Pmva
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Arts and Sciences
Department : English
Year : 2019
Abstract : Amoral human minds establish solid lines ofdistinction between the superior and inferiorfor asserting se[fprominence. llumanistic values have been overshadowed by the eminence a_[ materialistic pro_fits in the current era. This paper examines hmv the contemporaFJ! ~vorld o.f human-subhuman encounters is depicted in Pra.vaag Akbar:\· debut novel, Leila. The authm: being a reno>vnedjournalist in India, has ennvined reality 1vith the fictitious 1vorld of his novel. The paper also validates the existence (~f inequity in the social realm of the novel through the application oj"1\1.arxist literary criticism. 1\fichael Foucault's theory o.fPanopticism and the Social dominance theory a./Jim Sidanius and Felicia Fratto are also discussed in context to the novel. Segmentation a_[ people based on religion and caste and alienation o.f those with divergent and rational thoughts sign[[v a socie(v a_[ subhuman supremacy in Leila. Through the realistic depiction (~{the torments ofsubmissive people, the paper aLw attempts to unveil the necessity to fight against the irrationality in the >vorld and to dejC,mdj(Jr the basic hwnan rights (~fonese(fand others. Thus, live and let live.
Cite this Research Publication : Anusudha R. S. and sekhar, A., “Prayaag Akbar's Leila as an illustration of the Tussle of the Humane to Survive in A Reign of Sub-humans.”, Literary Endeavour (ISSN 0976-299X), vol. 10, no. 1, 2019.