- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Fellowship In Interventional Pulmonology and Pulmonary Critical care - Fellowship
Publication Type : Conference Proceedings
Publisher : 2018 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP). IEEE, Chennai, India.
Source : 2018 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP). IEEE, Chennai, India, pp. 620-622, 2018
Url :
Keywords : Ambulances, Direct subtraction, dynamic background, emergency vehicle, fire engines, Gradient magnitude, Heuristic algorithms, Image processing, image processing techniques, lanes, Object Detection, police vehicles, priority based real time smart traffic control system, priority based vehicle detection, priority dynamic background, Real-time systems, Road safety, road traffic, Road vehicles, roads, Traffic congestion, Traffic control, traffic density, traffic engineering computing, Vehicle dynamics, vehicular traffic
Campus : Amritapuri
School : Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering
Center : Computer Vision and Robotics
Department : Computer Science
Verified : No
Year : 2018
Abstract : Vehicular traffic is increasing rapidly in this world which is resulting in traffic congestion. The emergency vehicles such as ambulances, fire engines and police vehicles are given equal priority over other vehicles and hence get stuck up in this traffic congestion. A methodology for priority based vehicle detection based on image processing techniques is proposed in this paper. If an emergency vehicle is detected on the road, the lane in which this vehicle is will be given higher priority over all other lanes. The paper proposes an algorithm which will detect whether a vehicle is an emergency one or not.
Cite this Research Publication : Sarath S. and Deepthi, L. R., “Priority Based Real Time Smart Traffic Control System Using Dynamic Background”, 2018 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP). IEEE, Chennai, India, pp. 620-622, 2018