Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Symmetry
Source : Symmetry, 12, 3 (2020), 353
Url :,consideration%20is%20a%20self%2Dmapping.
Campus : Coimbatore
Year : 2020
Abstract : The purpose of this paper is to introduce and analyze a new idea of proximally compatible mappings and we extend some results of Jungck via proximally compatible mappings. Furthermore, we obtain common best proximity point theorems for proximally compatible mappings through two different ways of construction of sequences. In addition, we provide an example to support our main result.
Cite this Research Publication : V. Pragadeeswarar, R. Gopi, Manuel De la Sen, StojanRadenović, Proximally Compatible Mappings and Common Best Proximity Points, Symmetry, 12, 3 (2020), 353