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Rediscovered Voices Behind Buried History: A Study on Rachna Bisht Rawat’s Kargil; Untold Stories from the War Incorporating Positive Psychology in the Forefront

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Specialusis Ugdymas / Special Education

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Arts and Sciences

Year : 2022

Abstract : Approaches to life can be different for different people. Some find solace in having a positive attitude in life to tackle difficult situations while others succumb to the negative aspect of it. Thus their personality plays a major role in helping a person live a better and fulfilling life. It discusses the signature strengths and virtues of a person and how it helps them in working for something much larger than the person themselves. It also describes in detail the happiness theory which can be discovered and explored with the unique combination of a person’s signature strengths like humanity, temperance and persistence. Taking into account all the factors that matter in the subjective well-being of a person, this paper will analyse Rachna Bisht Rawat’s book Kargil: Untold Stories from the War with heroes who have indirectly yet successfully used this theory on a practical level to make their lives better.

Cite this Research Publication :  Gopika Thilak, Arya Suma, Silpa S, Rediscovered Voices Behind Buried History: A Study on Rachna Bisht Rawat’s Kargil; Untold
Stories from the War Incorporating Positive Psychology in the Forefront, Specialusis Ugdymas /
Special Education with ISSN: 1392-5369, August 2022

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