Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 151, 2021
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Civil
Verified : No
Year : 2021
Abstract : Directivity is a phenomenon perceived during fault ruptures wherein the ground motion and spectral response in the direction of the rupture is more significant than in any other direction. The objective of this study is to evaluate the variability in characteristics of near-fault ground motions as well as the ductility demand on structures due to directivity based on simulations of strike-slip earthquake events by employing SPECFEM3D, a physics-based ground motion simulation code. To understand the finite fault propagation effect, a source effect, the vertical strike-slip fault is considered to be embedded in an elastic half-space, to prevent the influence of path and site effects. Two scenarios are designed based on the positioning of nucleation asperity (NA): (1) in the middle of the fault face to simulate bilateral (BL) rupture and (2) shifted to one end for the case of unilateral (UL) rupture. The ground motions at near-fault stations, located in a racetrack configuration around the surface trace of the fault, are analyzed. In addition to a high spectral content in the forward directivity stations as a result of UL rupture, directivity velocity pulses identified in the fault-normal components are higher than the fling step velocity pulses in the fault-parallel component for the racetrack stations considered. Furthermore, the study examines the correlation between ductility demands computed based on elastoplastic rheology with direct point parameter and ground motion intensity measures for directivity and fling step stations.
Cite this Research Publication : K.S.K Karthik Reddy, Surendra Nadh Somala, and Hing-Ho Tsang. "Response of inelastic SDOF systems subjected to dynamic rupture simulations involving directivity and fling step." Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 151, 2021