Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 25, Issue 6, 1326-1332 (2017)
Campus : Chennai
School : School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2017
Abstract : E-health is becoming an ideal, alternative approach to the traditional approach of handling and giving health care. This paper offers a solution for good health by observing and recording the details of each and every consultation made for a patient and not merely the storage of milestone observations. Every hospital, doctor and patient is uniquely identified, each patient is free to get treatment at any hospital, under any doctor, of their choice. Recording the observations made during every consultation helps in a better understanding of the patient’s condition and results in a more comprehensive treatment. To maintain confidentiality, data is transferred from one place to another by encrypting and decrypting. An algorithm, Frequency and Difference algorithm is provided to provide security to text transferred from source to destination. This protects the data on its transit from one location to another. The hospital, doctor and patient are treated as objects involved in the system. The cloud offers a natural platform for providing health care, by virtue of the various services offered. The cloud provides a virtualized source of resources including hardware and software.
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. S. Sathya, Dr.Rajkumar Rajasekaran, Secured Medical Data Storage Over Cloud for Comprehensive Treatment, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 25, Issue 6, 1326-1332 (2017)