Publication Type : Journal Article
Thematic Areas : Medical Sciences
Publisher : Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
Source : Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Volume 24, Number 6, p.655-660 (2010)
Keywords : article, audiovisual equipment, computer system, Computer-Assisted Instruction, Dermatology, Education, evaluation, female, human, Humans, knowledge, male, Medical, medical education, medical student, Pilot Projects, pilot study, priority journal, Programmed Instruction as Topic, Psychometrics, questionnaire, Questionnaires, Reproducibility of Results, Statistical analysis, Students, Teaching, videorecording
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : Dermatology
Year : 2010
Abstract : Background Dermatological diseases are one of the most common problems in outpatient departments. Dermatology teaching unfortunately is facing two major issues: (i) a shortage of trained faculty and (ii) inadequate teaching time. Various methods utilizing modern information technology have been studied to overcome these problems. Objectives We attempted to evaluate the use of a digital self-learning module in the teaching of dermatology. Methods We created digital modules of dermatology topics, which included power-point presentations, instructive videos demonstrating signs in dermatological examination, interactive quizzes and images. The module was pilot tested on 48 third semester students, each posted for 2 weeks in dermatology. Evaluation was performed using a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire for the students. Actual knowledge acquisition was evaluated using a post-test with two components: section A comprising questions from the sections covered by the digital module and a section B comprising questions from topics taught only in the conventional method. Results The questionnaire analysis revealed that a majority of the students were comfortable using the module and felt that it encouraged them towards further in-depth self-learning on the concerned topics. The results from the post-test were compared between the test and control sections, using the Student's t-test, which gave a P-value of 0.084 (5% significance level) suggesting that the difference was not significant. Conclusion To conclude, we would like to suggest that the use of a 'play area' like concept coupled with an interactive information technology-based self-learning module might improve dermatology teaching. © 2009 European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.
Cite this Research Publication : F. Kaliyadan, Manoj, J., Dharmaratnam, A. D., and Sreekanth, G., “Self-learning digital modules in Dermatology: A pilot study”, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, vol. 24, pp. 655-660, 2010.